Welcome one and all. As stated in my profile, I've definetly got too much time on my hands. I will be giving little tidbits and pieces of my mind from time to time. I guess that's what a blog is now isn't it. When I'm not at work supervising my hangar and working on airplanes I'm usually engaged in my number one hobby..........bike racing! I'd have to say that I'm a little sad..........the end of the road racing season is coming upon us, and I'm just starting to feel like I'm improving my fitness. I've got several races left, yet I feel like the season is over. Today is one of the first Thursdays that I haven't been on my bike, although the weather didn't cooperate, it just doesn't feel right.
Last weekend was the Gateway Cup, four days of insane crit racing in some of St. Louis's famous neighborhoods with appx. 110 riders in each race. There were a lot of crashes and I was lucky just to stay upright. Last year as a CAT 4 racer I was involved in two pretty serious crashes, lost a lot of skin, suffered a mild concussion, and ruined a set of wheels and my highest placing was 43rd. This year as a Cat 3 I was able to stay out of the crashes, and even accomplished my goals for the weekend. Being a fairly new Cat 3, my main goal was to finish in the top third of the field. Seeing how each race had a max field of 110 riders, that meant I had to finish in the top 37 places. Well, I accomplished each goal, staying out of the wrecks and finishing in the top third. My races went like this: Lafayette Square, 35th, Wash. Ave, 30th, The Hill, 33rd, and finally a 19th at U. City. I think I could've had a higher finish had I attacked on the backside of the course where there was a slight incline and maybe coast to the finish. I learned my lesson in Kansas City though when I attacked on the last lap only to blow up and not even get a placing. Next year I hope to improve on those results and that goes for every race.
This leads me to my next subject, why am I still training. I'm upset that I missed riding today, but it rained all day and I could propably stand to be off the bike anyways. Well, to answer that question, I still have a couple races left before I officially close out the road season. I also have a Mt. bike race this Saturday, at least I think I will be doing it. I haven't ridden my Mt. bike since the State Mt. bike championships in June and I don't even have a rear wheel. Hopefully my buddy Greg will let me borrow his rear wheel again. My last two road races are propably going to be the Jeff City crit again(had a horrible showing last month), and then the St. Genevieve road race before I officially call it a season, although I know I'll still be doing some sort of training......oh yeah, and then the cyclocross season starts. That'll be another first. I've never done a 'cross race before, but it looks like fun. By the way, that reminds me, I better get a 'cross bike soon. Well, if you've read this whole thing, then I guess you've got a lot of time to spare too!!! Time to watch the last couple episodes of The Office, finally season three on DVD.